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Python | OpenSCAD

Leverage one of the world's most popular programming languages to express parametric 3D models.

Python OpenSCAD Installers
    Windows Installer (31 MB)
    Windows Installer (72 MB)
    Windows Installer (31 MB)
    Windows Installer (31 MB)
    Windows Installer (71 MB)

    Linux installation package (52 MB)
    Linux installation package (51 MB)

    MAC Disc Image (134 MB)
    MAC Disc Image (54 MB)
    MAC Disc Image (43 MB)
    MAC Disc Image (49 MB)
    MAC Disc Image (54 MB)
    MAC Disc Image (52 MB)

    Linux AppImage (239 MB)
    Linux AppImage (172 MB)
    Linux AppImage (153 MB)

    Fedora/CentOS RPM Package (12 MB)

Windows Installation Instructions
The Windows installer is currently not signed . This is why you will see a Windows warning dialog about unknown origin.
To make OpenSCAD for python actually work you need to install Python 3.11. To Make it work follow these steps:

  • Download and execute the OpenSCADInstaller to install OpenSCAD in your windows
  • Download and install Python 3.11
  • In case the installer fails to create a proper desktop symbol, please grab the openscad.exe inside the 'bin' directory and link it to the desktop/taskbar
  • create a test.py containing something simple like :
    from openscad import *
  • Open test.py and confirm security warning
  • press F5/F6 to see the cube
  • extend the code ...
  • dont hesitate to ask on IRC Channel. or in Reddit if its not working as expected.
  • General Python Version information
    PythonSCAD works very well on its own, unless you plan to use modules with come with a shared library(cpython) such as .dll, .dylib or .so

    If you use such a module, these module belong to a certain python version and they expect PythonSCAD to use the exact same version. If the first two numbers do not match, these modules cannot be loaded

    The PythonSCAD's binary Distributions come with these versions:

  • Linux AppImage: Python 3.12.0
  • Apple DMG: Python 3.13.1
  • Windows: Python 3.11.5-2
  • MAC OsX Installation Instructions
    If you downloaded the DMG File and fail to run Python Code, jonjelinek has written excelent instructions, how to link PythonSCAD with your Python on MAC. Dare to link it from here. Thank you Jon!