Python together with OpenSCAD
Very likely you don't want to give up the amazing libraries with exist in OpenSCAD language only. Just use them. Its very simple to mix OpenSCAD and python language.
For that just write 'use' in your OpenSCAD script. Then you will be able to use your beloved libraries and at the same time make use of your Python scripts.
Check out this sample:
// Traditionally use was used to source content from other files which are not on the very toplevel, like modules
// use <file.scad> --- this will only load things defined in the file (OpenSCAD modules)
// include <file.scad> --- this will also execute OpenSCAD code, which is sitting the the root of the sourced file
// now with this fork you can simple type
use <>
// and call functions like
// or call modules like this
// but you can also just call a python function with
from openscad import *
# this is file and it defines the python functions referred above
def python_add(a,b):
return a+b
def python_cube(size): # you could use any number of parameters
# numbers, strings and even arrays are supported
return cube([size,size,1]) # My special sizing requirement
def my_python_func(text):
# you could write text to this file if you wanted
# just dont return a solid here as you dont have one...
Of course you can also use SCAD from within python
Apart from different syntax, pythonscad also provides some additional functions compared to OpenSCAD here.